How to make a gin bramble
Looking for a slightly different way to enjoy your gin tonight? Why not try a gin bramble? Here’s how to make one:
-45ml gin
-20ml fresh lemon juice
-3/4 tbsp of sugar syrup (if you want to make your own, mix equal parts of sugar and water and cook over low heat on the hob, stirring continuously, until the sugar is fully dissolved, before being boiled for a further one minute).
-3/4 tbsp of Crème de Mure (or, if you don’t have Crème de Mure, you could try Crème de Cassis, Chambord, or Crème de Framboise)
-1 blackberry
-1 sprig of fresh rosemary
1) In a shaker filled with ice, combine gin, lemon juice, and sugar syrup
2) Shake well and strain into a rocks glass filled with fresh ice
3) Drizzle the Crème de Mure over the ice cubes so that the colour begins to seep into the rest of the drink.
4) Finally – garnish with a blackberry and a sprig of fresh rosemary, and enjoy!